Children's Online Safety Zone

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As a parent you’ll know how important the internet is to children – they use it to learn, play, socialise and express themselves. It’s a highly creative place of amazing opportunities.

However the technology children use every day can be daunting and you might worry or not know about the risks your child can face online – such as bullying, contact from strangers or the possibility of them seeing illegal or inappropriate content.

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at all Educate Together Primary schools. We have extensive security measures in place in school, which are monitored both internally and externally, to help safeguard pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any Online Safety incidents are recorded and managed. Online Safety is taught to all pupils explaining and demonstrating how to stay safe and behave appropriately online.


Keeping Your Children Safe Online

We recognise that your child may use technology more than is usual for your family during current lockdown restrictions. We are aware that this can pose problems for families who may not understand the risks children may face when learning or playing online. Please be mindful that school has very strict filtering processes and so if your child is searching at school, inappropriate sites will not be accessed. Please use this time to check your parental filtering to keep your child safe at home too.

Some key websites to help you and your children are:

Please be mindful of the dangers surrounding the video conferencing apps such as WhatsApp, Zoom, FaceTime etc. These are live running apps and can be recorded by the user at the other end. Please take care to ensure that your child is supervised whilst using these to protect them from images and languages that would not normally be accessible in your household. Staff at school will not be using video conferencing apps to ensure all safeguards for children and staff are in place.

KS1 children
KS2 children
Online safety links – keeping your child safe online


Young children and screen time